
Justin Jensen

Airway Heights, Washington

“My name is Justin Jensen and unfortunately I had bad head injury at work in November 2022. After seeing many doctors and professionals I was eventually assigned to see Dr. Brian Shute. Dr. Shute stood out from the get go because he didn’t just want to know about my work place injury, but also wanted to know about me, my work history, family, etc. Dr. Shute cares about his patients, and is very thorough in his approach. I’ve been seeing Dr. Shute for 14 months now two times a week. We have gone through extensive in-person treatments, and I’ve been received home work to do on my non appointment days.

Dr. Shute has helped me retrain my brain with his program. He has even taken the time to text me here and there to see how my brain rehab has been going even on non appointment days. Dr. Shute truly cares about his patients and I care about him too. I am on a lot of medications/injections to be able to function day to day and Dr. Shute has been an advocate to make sure I continue to get the prescription medicines I need and treatments needed. Dr. Shute holds the Gold Standard in Speech Pathology. Thank you soo much for your help Dr. Shute, and I look forward keeping in touch with you in the future.”

Michael Wells

Spokane, Washington

“Ten years ago I had my larynx removed due to cancer.  Previous to that, radiation therapy left me unable to speak for a week.  My inability to talk left me feeling like a piece of the furniture.  The removal of my larynx left me depressed and near panic.  Fortunately I became acquainted with Dr. Brian Shute. Dr. Shute was personable and very knowledgeable of my issues.  He showed me some options and helped me select a suitable artificial  larynx.  More importantly he taught me how to use the device to form understandable speech. We worked together through various exercises to perfect my speech.  We were quite successful too.  My job as CFO of a school district required me to give verbal presentations to board members, staff, and members of the public.  There were never issues with my speech. Additionally there were never problems communicating with staff which I did on a daily basis.

I believe that Dr. Shute’s training and experience resulted in this success.  Over the years I have kept in touch with Dr. Shute for device replacement or repairs.  He always asks how I am doing.  He is a very skilled and caring person.  Dr. Shute does a thorough job and is concerned about the results. Dr. Shute has my highest recommendation. I would not hesitate to use him for any service he provides.”

Karen Stanek, M.D., Ph.D.

Spokane, Washington

“I have had the privilege of working with Dr. Brian Shute throughout my career as a physiatrist in the Spokane rehabilitation community. He is a dedicated professional who often will go the extra mile to solve a particular problem. He demonstrates great knowledge in the field of speech-language pathology, especially in people who have suffered brain injuries. He has extraordinary skill in assessing the patient, making therapy fun and teaching the patient the skills they need to improve. I have referred many of my patients who needed speech-language therapy to him.

On a more personal note, Dr. Shute combines his expertise with a personality that is kind, gentle and compassionate. He is easy to talk to, but more importantly, he is also an expert listener. In all aspects, Dr. Shute is one of Spokane‘s finest.  Keep up the excellent work!”


Spokane, Washington

“I highly recommend Dr. Brian Shute to anyone looking for an experienced, competent, and very effective Speech Pathologist. In May of 2023, I suffered a stroke while traveling abroad with my family. This impacted the left side of my body and caused some paralysis to my face which also affected my speech. Having no previously known health issues and only 53 years old, it was quite a shock and traumatizing to me especially after 7 days in a foreign hospital. Upon my return to Spokane, my son started calling speech therapists in town. Brian was the only one who picked up his phone and I immediately started seeing him twice a week. My job as an executive requires me to always be on the top of my game, communication and memory wise, so I was quite terrified about my ability to fully recover.

Brian started out by giving me a series of assessments and a number of speech exercises and treatment therapies to work on between our sessions that helped me immensely.  His sessions were challenging and sometimes taxing but he was always encouraging and excited to see my continual improvement. It’s now January of 2024 and I have made almost a full recovery.

I will also add that besides being a talented Speech Pathologist, Brian is just a very kind person. From day one, he was very empathetic to what had happened to me, and I always felt that he was genuinely invested in my recovery. I never once felt like our sessions were rushed. Each session was always on time. Thank you, Brian!


Greg Carter, M.D.

Spokane, Washington

“Dr Shute is an amazing speech pathologist and health care provider. Very caring, intelligent, articulate. He has an incredible depth of knowledge and takes the time to explain things. As both a physician and a patient, I highly recommend him. He has helped me greatly.”

Tim Corwin

Spokane, Washington

“I am delighted to share my profound appreciation for the outstanding services provided by Dr. Brian Shute. He is an exceptional Speech-Language Pathologist. As a School Psychologist working for Spokane Public Schools, I often sought out support for our students’ speech and language development from Dr.  Shute. I had the privilege of witnessing Dr. Shute’s unparalleled expertise, dedication, and unwavering commitment to his profession.

From our very first interaction it was evident that Dr. Shute possesses a wealth of knowledge in the field. His extensive background and credentials not only inspired confidence, but also reassured me that our students were in the hands of a true professional. Dr. Shute demonstrated a deep understanding of the intricacies of speech and language disorders tailoring his approach to meet the unique needs of everyone.

What sets Dr. Shute apart is not just his technical proficiency, but also his compassionate and empathetic nature. His warm and supportive demeanor instantly puts students at ease, creating a space for learning and growth. Dr. Shute didn’t just focus on the challenges, he celebrated every small victory, fostering a sense of accomplishment that boosts confidence. Moreover, Dr. Shute displayed a remarkable level of honor and integrity in his interactions. His honesty, transparency and genuine concern for his patients is truly commendable. He consistently communicates progress, setbacks, and strategies for improvement, ensuring that clients and families are well informed and actively involved in the therapeutic process.

I am grateful for the positive impact Dr.  Shute has had on our students’ speech and language development. Under his expert guidance, students made remarkable strides both academically and socially. Dr. Shute not only equipped students with the necessary skills, but also empowered families with valuable tools and knowledge to continue supporting growth beyond therapy sessions.

Finally, I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Shute to anyone seeking a Speech Language Pathologist of the highest caliber. His professionalism, expertise and genuine passion for making a difference in the lives of his patients is  commendable. I feel incredibly fortunate to have crossed paths with such an outstanding professional.

With deep gratitude,

Tim Corwin”



Shirley Lewis

Spokane, Washington
“Dear Brian,
Thank you for helping me and for being so good to Jim and me. Your many acts of kindness are really appreciated! Also, you have lifted my spirits in so many ways. You are indeed a blessing.
Love, Shirl”



Shirley Riley

Former 31 year Special Ed Teacher at the Spokane Guilds School and Neuromuscular Center
Spokane, Washington
“Originally, I was referred to Dr. Shute after I developed normal pressure hydrocephalus in late 2013.  I lost my speech, balance and other capabilities. I saw Dr. Shute for over a  years time.  He was able to help me recover almost completely the ability to speak and converse.  He is very patient and  kind. He had a great way of encouraging me to do the hard work in session and  at home to have successful speech therapy.  He provided me with lots of language improving and memory improving materials and lots of personal affirmations. Subsequently, in 2018, I had a stroke. I  had to start over with therapy with Dr. Shute.  He was able to help me recover significantly and I can again speak and converse.  He also helped me with my short term memory loss from the stroke.  I  am now able to socialize and visit with family,  friends and acquaintances.    I can’t thank Dr. Shute enough.  He is a wonderful Speech-Language Therapist.”



Sidney Ritter

Spokane, Washington
“I started seeing Dr. B in July of 2016, eight months after I sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). At my first appointment he was quick to notice I had trouble with my short term and working memory and that I had significant trouble using the full capacity of my lungs! My voice would trail off at the end of sentences and my speech was very quiet. After the initial evaluation I had speech appointments with him twice a week, where I would do a variety of exercises/activities to get my brain working. One thing I clearly remember is when he asked me to sing sentences and draw out the vowels in words, to work my lungs and larynx, and retrain my brain to not trail off at the ends. Dr. B works on more than just speech therapy when you see him; he gave me techniques/tactics to succeed in life with my TBI and I still use those tips 4 years later! When I returned to college he created ADA classroom and test accommodations to help me in school. Dr. B also helped me get quieter living arrangements and helped me keep a scholarship I received before the accident and when my credit load needed to decrease. Working with Dr. B helped give me confidence in my new brain and he also encouraged me that it will never stop healing. In my opinion, Dr. B is the best speech pathologist around, I have no doubt he can help anyone in need of speech therapy!”



Jamie H. Stevens, MS, CCC-SLP

Author of Practical Applications in Dysphagia, Training the Caregiver
Co-developer of the Dysphagia Cup
Mora, Minnesota
“I have known Dr. Brian Shute for over thirty years both professionally and personally.  During that time I have observed him to have exceptional knowledge of treatment modalities, along with compassion and care for the people he serves.  He has demonstrated a broad range of skills in the many facets of Speech-Language, Cognitive-Communicative, and Swallowing therapies.  If he hasn’t known the answer immediately he has researched, searched and looked for the best practice.  I would not hesitate to take any member of my family to work with Dr. Shute.”



Diane Hadsell

Spokane, Washington

“A bit of an aside for you, Brian. The cardiologist told us that Jerry would be clogged and would be staying overnight in the hospital as they found where he was blocked. He would need stents inserted and there was talk of bypass surgery. When the doctor who performed the heart catheter came in to talk to me, I will never forget her face. “Jerry is totally clean!” She could see no blockages. She changed a couple of meds. That’s all. That’s Reiki. Thank you.”




Cherish McCormick

Lewiston, Idaho

“Thank you so much! How lucky we are to have found you. It was such a huge relief to finally get some answers! To know a name for what we all see and more importantly know we have help. Your assessment was spot on with his past teacher observations for last 11 years. Matt said he felt like you understood his challenges and he finally felt like he wasn’t crazy that someone knew what his “flare ups “were and could explain what was going on. That brought a lot of peace for him. I cant thank you enough! See you soon…”

“His experience and knowledge, and the overall experience exceeded our expectations. I wish we had him on our cleft lip and palate team educating parents or in our own school district here in Lewiston, Idaho. Worth the drive. Compassionate, listened and explained everything.”


Lisa O’Farrell

Chicago, Illinois

“Thank you Dr. “B” (I’m smiling). I appreciate your recommendations and explanations (and thanks for your comment in Webwhispers!) I had a talk with my Dad and he listened! I explained – as you explained to me – the importance of the AL, why it’s useful for long term use, and also very reliable as a backup and on and on. He agreed. If this is going to be an investment, we chose the TruTone. I’m still very much on the fence with the TEP and explained it to my Dad and Mom. They understood a bit more. I have 2 Speakeasy meetings to attend the first week in December. That’s when I will decide on whether or not to proceed with the TEP. I promised I wouldn’t rule it out. And my SLP is absolutely delighted I chose the TruTone. She’s also pushing for the TEP as well.

I’ll be getting the TruTone from a nearby company in 5-8 days and then I’ll be “going to town” with my SLP. Dr. B… thank you for your words of wisdom and advice. I appreciate them and you greatly, and I’m very thankful to you for some direction. I’m feeling more confident in my choice now — and I thank you!

I’ll keep you posted but I wanted to thank you. THANK YOU DR. B! I am wishing you a grand evening and many fabulous days. And surely, if traveling through or to Spokane…I will no doubt be in to visit. Many thanks and I’ll be talking to you soon!

Have a fabulous week!”

John Maurice

Professor Emeritus, Gonzaga Law School

Spokane, Washington

“My name is John Maurice, longtime law professor, writer, and artist. My brain became completely scrambled as a result of a stroke. My thinking did not translate to my speaking and vice versa. It was discouraging and frustrating. I knew what I wanted to say but couldn’t say it. Sometimes I would unconsciously repeat what I heard. Sometimes I would attempt to talk using gestures high in the air or with my eyes closed. My love of easily speaking, reading and writing were challenged. Once a smooth lecturer I was changed after my stroke.

In 2014 my physician sent me to Dr. Brian Shute. Brian helped me recover my thinking and speaking. He had me do exercises over and over again. He was relentless and encouraging too. Brian said, “We have to keep working your brain, John.” Each day I worked a little more and got a little better. The process was retraining my brain. Brian constantly reminded me what must be done to benefit. All the while he kept me positive. Each day now I get on track with my brain. I still remember and work on things he taught me. Results: I do much better now. These days I talk to friends and travel. My brain does more of what I want it to do. I continue my artistic endeavors and enjoy life. I still have an office at the Law School and I enjoy talking with old students. Brian helped get me here. I appreciate the help that Brian gave me a lot. If you need brain help like this go to Brian. He is an expert who can make a tremendous difference.”


Don and Vin Bumpus

Spokane, Washington

“Dear Dr. Shute

Vin and I are doing well. We both had you on our minds very recently. Vin was trying to recall the name of a local restaurant recently and we thought back on what you had taught us– relaxing and letting the words come without pushing them. Before she knew it, the name of the place popped right into her head. She still struggles with word recall, but we get there eventually.  Vin is taking medication to help with the pesky delusions (remember that nightmare?) and is conquering that hurdle slowly but surely. They still show up every now and then, but she is quick to realize them for what they really are now. Just another mean trick this stroke is playing on her. But there’s not a lot that we can’t overcome these days. Even her diabetes has improved by leaps and bounds.
We both thank you very much for all you have done for us. Your speech therapy lessons have been applicable in many aspects of our lives. While she does still get frustrated from time to time, once she applies the slow and steady mindset that you taught her, things work out for the best.”

Mickey Hansen, Principal

Spokane, Washington

“I have been Dr. Shute supervisor at Franklin for the past seven years in his role as the Speech-Language Pathologist. He has been an important part of our intervention support team, a consulting source for teachers, particularly regarding children with autism, and a highly effective therapist.

Dr. Shute understands and supports early intervention for speech and the relationship it has with reading and focus. He views his students in a holistic way and regularly checks with teachers about strategic implementation in the classroom. He also uses collaboration to discuss students that may have some behavior issues as a result of their communication needs so that a schoolwide plan can be developed.

It is this constant reflection and adjustment in practice that helps him to individualize his practice to student needs. As an example, we had a new student in third grade with behavior and academic issues who wouldn’t speak to adults and not much to other students. He was a selective mute and had been for many years as a result of trauma.  English was not his primary language. Dr. Shute worked with parents and staff and consulted with colleagues resulting in a speech program. His first goal was to have the student speak when he couldn’t see the teacher. Subsequent goals were scaffolded on the previous goal. Therapy took a couple of years and eventually moved into socially acceptable speech. Today that student is a very high achieving, active and happy, high school student exited from speech and ready for life.

Dr. Shute is a collaborative member of the Franklin staff and establishes positive relationships with his students. During my observations, I can see and hear the difference from the beginning of the session to the end as students listen to his advice, listen to themselves, and know specifically what they are working toward. He helps them be successful in each session.

I highly recommend Dr. Shute. He is a learner, recently receiving his National Board Certification, and he is a team player. Franklin students have been the fortunate beneficiaries of his expertise and talent.”


Ellen Nessen

Spokane, Washington

“Hi Brian, it’s Ellen Nessen. I was thinking thankful thoughts of you today especially when it comes to Evan and the Paradoxical Vocal Cord Dysfunction he once suffered from. Evan just did an Olympic Distance Triathlon on this smokey day and didn’t have ANY breathing troubles. He continues to use the tools you taught him and they really do the job. Thanks for your work that enables him to do what makes him happy!”


Steve H.

Spokane, Washington

“I have been seeing Dr. Shute for speech therapy for some months. We’ve been working to improve mental processing speeds and mitigate a memory deficiency resulting from a serious traumatic brain injury.  As a result of Dr. Shute’s expertise and methodology, I have experienced vast improvements in the problem areas. Dr. Shute is very accommodating, encouraging, friendly and will go the extra mile for you.  I would highly recommend Dr. Shute if you are in need of speech therapy services.”


Dr. Victor Buksbazen and Mrs. Evelyn Buksbazen

Spokane, Washington


“Dr. Shute is far more than a Speech Pathologist. He is an “encourager,” an innovator, and a friend. He knows all about the Servox and other artificial larynx devices. But it does not stop there. He can adjust, repair, and show you how to use them most effectively as well. If you have any speech problems or questions he is a person whose knowledge you can trust. Dr. Shute taught me how to speak using an artificial larynx 25 years ago and he remains a wonderful resource even to this day.”


Dr. Victor Buksbazen and Mrs. Evelyn Buksbazen


Brock L Roberts

Utah Valley, Utah

“I was in a very serious car accident that left me with a fairly significant traumatic brain injury. I was referred to Dr. Brian Shute’s very capable care. As he assessed my challenges he found issues that other medical professionals had not. They were seemingly little things but when they were addressed, they dramatically improved my quality of life. For example Dr. Shute found that I had muscles in my throat that had been injured. This caused me to often choke on water or food. I had an issue stuttering and would often lose conversations as I would visit with people. I also had a very hard time keeping a schedule. My brain would process an appointment at incorrect times entirely. He helped me with all of these issues. He wasn’t just a caring doctor, he was a genuine friend who was trying to help me get better. I am so grateful for the help and care that he provided me. He dramatically improved the quality of my life, which in turn has helped improve the quality of my life for my little family of 4 children. I never thought I’d be able to work again, and today I am the managing director of a health spa that helps athletes and individuals recover from chronic pain. So much thanks to Dr. Brian Shute.”


Peggy Cowles

Spokane, Washington

“After a stroke I had troubles speaking. Words would not move from my brain to my mouth and this was frustrating. I knew exactly what I wanted to say but the words would not come or they would come out jumbled or I would say a word I didn’t want to use. When people would speak it was hard for me to understand what they meant. I could not read books or write numbers and life was tough. I began to see Dr. Shute for aphasia therapy twice a week and immediate improvements also began. This has been wonderful because I didn’t know where to turn for help. I’m glad my doctor sent me to this man. Dr. Shute is also an energy worker and has provided Reiki after our speech therapy on occasion. This too has been wonderful and part of my improvement. I will say that if someone has had a stroke and can’t communicate Dr. Shute can help. If someone needs energy work he can help with this too. I know this from personal experience.”


Peggy Cowles


Shelly Pederson

Spokane, Washington

“Dr. Brian Shute is my massage therapist and one of my wellness mentors. He is a person of the purist integrity and he truly loves to learn. He initially took on massage therapy because it helped him in speech therapy and with his voice patients. The more he learned the more it became apparent that his practice is healing for many conditions well beyond speech. As he learned he shared new information with me. I have Psoriatic Arthritis and was previously diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rhuematica. I started getting weekly massages from Brian in April 2015.

He was correct. His therapy has been life-changing and has helped me to be able to do everyday things that I could not do for almost 2 years. I see medical doctors too and yes, there are prescriptions but clearly Brian’s treatments have been a necessary part of my health care. Brian Shute is also super professional by telling me what he is doing, educating, and helping me. I am truly blessed to have Brian as a therapist and wellness mentor! Highly recommending Brian and his medical therapies is an understatement!”


Jinny Heisler

Kent, Washington

“Dr. Shute,
Thank you again. Sad to say, but you are the first doctor from all 35 years being in America who cares and has helped me. Actually my brain surgeon is the same way. After surgery he saw me, then 6 months later he said that I do not need to see you for 2 years, unless you will have some problems. No pills, no medication, I was so pleased with Dr. Smythies. And I’m so pleased with you, Dr. Shute. You gave me a second life from spasmodic dysphonia. Thanks to my dear friend Ramona, I never would have known about you. I’m already setting the seeds for my plans and goals that I want to accomplish in future. I came in America with dreams. I always tell people that “Dreams come true,” and that a person just has to plan them and work it. You are the one whose given me tools; ones in my tool box. I’m going to polish and use them. Thank you again.”

Cathi Lamoreau, M.S., CCC

Spokane, Washington

“When I first came to Spokane and was faced with my first laryngectomee, you were a fabulous resource and I couldn’t have helped my patients without you.”


Dorothy Kinney

Aurora, Illinois

“Dear Inland Speech Pathology,

When my husband’s voice aid broke in three pieces I thought no way can it be fixed. He is a mechanic and pretty hard on things in his work. Even worse he needs his voice aid talking to customers and me. With little hope of repair we sent it to you.  We got it back today and he sounds even better than before. The speech aid looks and sounds brand new! We cannot believe the wonderful service you provide. Thank you for your fast help.”


Marilyn Blair

Spokane, Washington

“On June 23, 1994 my husband Sam was diagnosed with throat cancer. He had to have his larynx removed and breathed through a stoma in his neck. This was devastating not only for Sam, but also for myself and our two high school-aged children.

Sam was a real communicator to all of us and everybody he met. He just loved to talk. As a family we were afraid that he would never be able to converse again.

In August, Sam began speech therapy from a man named Brian Shute who was going to teach Sam to talk with an artificial larynx. Brian gave us hope that Sam would learn to talk again. I wondered if maybe Sam would shy away from this device — at 74 years of age it might not be an easy task to learn.

Sam and I went to Brian’s office two times a week at first; then just one time a week as time passed, always learning new techniques and new sounds. Brian at all times gave Sam lots of encouragement and was always very patient with him.

Brian would ask Sam how his week went and if he spoke to anybody new in his life and how they did understanding him. Sam talked to anybody he met… explaining to kids and adults how his artificial larynx worked. In fact, he would let kids try the device and warn them never to smoke.

Sam died April 14, 2005. We as a family will always be grateful to Brian for all the hard work he put towards Sam. Because of his dedication, Sam left this world knowing how to talk again.

I would recommend Brian Shute to anybody needing speech therapy.”


Marilyn Blair

Jim Duncan

Cornelius, North Carolina

“Just wanted to let you know that my vocal cord surgery went well today, and that I’m now recuperating with an Rx for total voice rest for the next several days. Thanks so much for being there to help me obtain the very valuable voice amplifier to get me through my last class without straining my voice. I passed on your name and clinic to my voice therapist, and let her know how helpful you and Inland Speech Pathology have been. Thanks again for all your timely help!”


Arnold Gurnstadt

Sacramento, California

“I just received my second order of Sir Francis Trach covers and now have most of the colors. They are positively the most comfortable stoma covers I have ever used. They breathe easy, look terrific and wash up well too. I wear them every day and on the golf course. No complaints and a very happy customer. Thanks!”


Teri-Anne Cox, M.S., CCC-SLP

Spokane, Washington

“Having collaborated and worked with Dr. Brian Shute in a variety of medical settings including hospital rehabilitation and private practice, I attest with confidence that any clients seeking communication services will successfully get their needs met when receiving therapy support from Dr. Shute.

Dr. Shute is a dedicated professional with over 25 years experience in the field of speech-language pathology.  He is a valued member of the American Speech and Hearing Association and Washington Speech and Hearing Association.  I was honored to celebrate his earning a doctorate degree years ago. He recently became a Nationally Board Certified Teacher working with exceptional needs children, a rare and rigorous achievement for speech-language pathologists. Dr. Shute is not only a clinical expert in the areas of laryngectomy, fluency, stroke, voice, and pediatric communication skills, but he has a genuine manner when relating to people, whether his personal clients, their family members, or professional colleagues.  I fully recommend Dr. Brian Shute’s communication services; today, tomorrow, and in the future.”



Art Davidson

Ephrata, Washington

“I am 81 years old, have had two heart attacks, three strokes, and five open-heart surgeries. I have taken therapies in Maine, Ephrata, Wenatchee, and Spokane. My last stroke left me with the inability to swallow or walk.

Brian Shute is far more qualified than I would have ever expected to find from a speech therapist. He had me swallowing after a month of having no swallow reflex and having no food the usual way. He presently has me eating a special diet using special swallowing techniques. Just as important, we have an excellent rapport.

I must admit that I can think of better predicaments to be in. But in the event that therapy is necessary, I would select Brian Shute to help me every time.”



Rebecca Nappi

Empire Life article, Spokesman Review story on laryngectomy rehabilitation.

“It is November 11 and Gunda Coy is sitting in a small room with Brian Shute, a Speech-Language Pathologist. Three weeks before, Coy had her larynx removed. Cancer. This 61 year-old woman, who loved to talk, sing, speak softly to children and older people, whose German accent was well known to the residents of Colfax, suddenly found herself silenced. No more words. This is Coy’s second speech therapy session with Shute. She feels nervous, tired from the rigors of the past month. First she found out she had cancer. Second, she underwent major surgery . And now she is beginning the slow, deliberate process of learning to speak again–artificially…

‘For 61 years you have been talking one way’ Shute tells Coy. ‘You have taken air in your lungs and pushed it out, vibrating your vocal cords.’ Now that you are a laryngectomee, this [speech] device is your tool.’ ‘Do you think that people will laugh at me?’ Coy asks. ‘They might. You talk in a different way,’ Shute says. ‘A certain amount of attention will be given you initially. Just be confident.’

November 22: Coy is back in Shute’s office. A month has passed since her surgery. Her voice with the speech device is much clearer now. Shute tells her to be a big mouth. Enunciate her words. How we say words with our mouth and tongue determine how the words sound, he says.

Shute is trying to teach her how to take a charge of air and speak by “burping” the air back out. Coy tries. Air and syllables eject from her mouth. She grabs the electronic voice aid and says: ‘That’s so embarrassing! My mother would say, ‘Shame on you!’  ‘No it’s music to my ears’ Shute says.

Christmas week: Coy walks into Shute’s office and presents him with some chocolate from Germany. Coy feels more at ease, especially with Shute, who has gently guided her through her twice-weekly speech therapy sessions. Coy even talks on the phone…”


Andrea Koln

Spokane, Washington

“After having my vocal cords taken from cancer, Dr. Shute and my surgeon helped me speak again using a rubber valve that fits in my stoma. This tiny thing is called a tracheo-esophogeal-prosthesis and it has given me a second chance to speak. I thank Dr. Shute for teaching me how to use the valve, how to clean it, and how to get back into the groove of talking. I’ve got grandkids and a new voice that amazes all of us. I love it and I’m back! Appreciate your help.”


Sue Abitz

Elementary School Teacher

Spokane, Washington

“I am a teacher and have known Dr. Shute as a speech-language pathologist for several years. Over time I have had the opportunity to witness the growth in several children he has seen. Although there are many examples, one boy especially comes to mind. This particular youngster is an autistic boy who at one time could hardly speak. When he did speak, his speech was soft, garbled, and made little sense. Sometimes he would make unusual noises and hand movements sitting by himself and not interacting with others. He could not face people or meet them with his eyes. When asked a question he typically could not understand or respond.

All of this has changed dramatically and a transformation has occurred with Dr. Shute’s help. Although his voice is getting louder, he is now able to introduce himself to others and interact in a group. He is able to ask and answer questions and tell me what he wants. He has developed a sense of humor and now jokes, laughs, and smiles. He is learning to read and write and has come out of a shell. This boy is a different person and I believe that Dr. Shute has played a huge role improving his daily communication skills, confidence, and ability to interact with others.

Besides the professional help that Dr. Shute provides, both kids and adults find him to be fun, genuine and pleasant. I highly recommend Dr. Shute as a speech-language pathologist who can help.”



Tammy M. Curry and Joyce E. Jorgensen

Fort Knox, Kentucky

Almost 25 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with throat cancer. The surgeon had to perform a laryngectomy so now she uses an electrolarynx or esophageal speech. Shortly after her surgery, she was sent to Brian for speech therapy. I can’t imagine talking all your life and then suddenly your voice box is removed and you have to learn to speak all over again… but in a different form.

Brian was fantastic! He worked with my mother to teach her to speak using her esophagus, as well as using an electronic device. To this day she still remembers her first word was “cupcake”. Speech therapy is very important because not being able to communicate on a day to day basis is very frustrating.

Once on the road to recovery our entire family started attending laryngectomy meetings, a support group provided through the cancer society. These were very helpful as we could be involved with other people who had similar surgeries and understood the everyday challenges. Brian was always involved with the group and available to find equipment or medical supplies we might need. He would repair the electrolarynx speech aids or have resources available to repair or purchase new ones. He continually went above and beyond to make sure everyone was comfortable and had whatever equipment or speech training necessary to live a normal life.

Brian establishes a trust with his patients and his education in speech therapy was what helped give my mother her voice back. To this day we still call on Brian if we have issues or need a resource for equipment repair. Recently my mother was ill and he brought his entire family to visit and give her encouragement. He has been a huge part of my mother’s healing process over the last 25 years. He has provided skills, confidence, equipment and continued moral support, giving her the tools needed to function day to day. We are very grateful for Brian and his family!!”


Tammy M. Curry and Joyce E Jorgensen

Testimonials and other correspondence viewed here have been reprinted with permission.